Prezidento Richard M. Nixon pareiškimas laisvojo pasaulio lietuviams
I have been informed of the convention of Free Lithuanians held recently in New York City, and am pleased that Free Lithuanians have a worldwide organization— The World Lithuanian Community. The newly-elected Executive Committee of this worldwide group deserves support from all freedom-loving Americans. My best wishes to Mr. Joseph Bachunas of Sodus, Michigan, President of the World Lithuanian Community, and other officers: Mrs. M. Lenkauskas, Mr. St. Barzdukas, Dr. H. Brazaitis, Mr. A. Rinkunas, Dr. A. Klimas, Dr. A. Butkus, Dr. V. Majauskas, and Mr. A. Gailiusis.
Americans of Lithuanian descent are among the best-organized groups in our nation. 1 am familiar with the work of the Lithuanian-American Community of the USA, Inc., the Lithuanian-American Council, Inc., the Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania, the Committee for a Free Lithuania, the United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America, Inc., and other organizations. 1 have met personally or I have been told by my Lithuanian-American friends about the present leadership of these organizations: Mr. Bronius Nainys, Mr. Eugene A. Bartkus, Dr. Joseph K. Valiūnas, Mr. Vaclovas Sidzikauskas and Rev. Vaclovas Martinkus.
I was happy to see that my friend from California, Mr. Leonard Valiukas, has organized the Americans for Congressional Action to Free the Baltic States. I am a member of this nationwide organization. I was also pleased to see the U. S. Congress pass H. Con. Res. 416, which calls for freedom for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. I firmly believe that achieving this final goal can be successful.
The Lithuanian-Americans are known throughout America as religious, hard-working and loyal Americans. They have contributed significantly to the greatness of our nation.
All of us want the United States to remain the greatest country in the world, and hope that Lithuania may also regain freedom and independence. I hope that you will vote for me in the November election, so that work toward that goal may continue. With God’s and your help, we will be successful in our crusade for the greatness that is America and in your crusade for Lithuania’s freedom.